Product highlights
This store is 20ft x 8ft in size and provides a secure storage unit for your site. The unit is weatherproof; fully steel and has an anti-vandal design.
Prices exclude VAT
Product highlights
This store is 20ft x 8ft in size and provides a secure storage unit for your site. The unit is weatherproof; fully steel and has an anti-vandal design.
Product details
This store is 20ft x 8ft in size and provides a secure storage unit for your site. The unit is weatherproof; fully steel and has an anti-vandal design.
- Fully steel including the door
- Weatherproof and anti-vandal
• Dimensions (L x W): 6100mm x 2440mm • Max Gross Weight: 30480kg • Tare Weight: 2230kg -
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Prices exclude VAT