Product highlights
The Irwin Record 135 Series Heavy-Duty Sash Clamps have a bar section of 32 x 6mm (1.1/4 x 14in). The slide and head are guaranteed unbreakable and the slide is secured by a solid steel pin passing through one of the locating holes spaced along the steel bar.
The steel mainscrew applies pressure quickly and smoothly through a fast acting, hard-wearing rolled thread. Slides and heads are flat bottomed so that the clamp will stand without support.
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Product highlights
The Irwin Record 135 Series Heavy-Duty Sash Clamps have a bar section of 32 x 6mm (1.1/4 x 14in). The slide and head are guaranteed unbreakable and the slide is secured by a solid steel pin passing through one of the locating holes spaced along the steel bar.
The steel mainscrew applies pressure quickly and smoothly through a fast acting, hard-wearing rolled thread. Slides and heads are flat bottomed so that the clamp will stand without support.
Product details
The Irwin Record 135 Series Heavy-Duty Sash Clamps have a bar section of 32 x 6mm (1.1/4 x 14in). The slide and head are guaranteed unbreakable and the slide is secured by a solid steel pin passing through one of the locating holes spaced along the steel bar.
The steel mainscrew applies pressure quickly and smoothly through a fast acting, hard-wearing rolled thread. Slides and heads are flat bottomed so that the clamp will stand without support.
• Capacity: 1200mm • Category: Sash Clamps -
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