Product highlights
Stabila 70-M Series levels are traditional, light alloy box section levels with smooth sides and electrostatic powder coating. They are similar to the 70 series, but with additional super-powerful rare earth magnets in the measuring surface. With five times the holding power of ferrite magnets, this level will securely grip onto metal posts and beams without slipping.
Ideal for household DIY and professional use, especially wet trades due to the ease of cleaning the level profile.
2 Vials: 1 plumb and 1 horizontal.
Measurement Accuracy: 0.029° = 0.5mm/m.
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Product highlights
Stabila 70-M Series levels are traditional, light alloy box section levels with smooth sides and electrostatic powder coating. They are similar to the 70 series, but with additional super-powerful rare earth magnets in the measuring surface. With five times the holding power of ferrite magnets, this level will securely grip onto metal posts and beams without slipping.
Ideal for household DIY and professional use, especially wet trades due to the ease of cleaning the level profile.
2 Vials: 1 plumb and 1 horizontal.
Measurement Accuracy: 0.029° = 0.5mm/m.
Product details
Stabila 70-M Series levels are traditional, light alloy box section levels with smooth sides and electrostatic powder coating. They are similar to the 70 series, but with additional super-powerful rare earth magnets in the measuring surface. With five times the holding power of ferrite magnets, this level will securely grip onto metal posts and beams without slipping.
Ideal for household DIY and professional use, especially wet trades due to the ease of cleaning the level profile.
2 Vials: 1 plumb and 1 horizontal.
Measurement Accuracy: 0.029° = 0.5mm/m.
• Type: Series 70 • Length: 60cm • No. of Vials: 2 • Construction: Box Ribbed - Magnet • Accuracy-Normal Position: ± 0.5mm/m • Category: Box Section Levels -
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