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Product details
- A pair of MaxiDry ¾ Zero Thermal Gloves with a fleece lining to keep hands warm and dry. These gloves are double dipped to protect hands from oils and hydrocarbons and have a micro-cup grip coating for good grip in wet and oily conditions. These gloves have thermal resistance up to -10°C and flexibility to as low as -30°C.
- Fleece lined
- Good for use in wet and oily conditions
- Suitable for use in temperatures as low as -30°C
- Approved for direct contact with food
- Certified according to the European food standards and compliant to FDA CFR Title 21 Part 177
- Brand - ATG
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So that we can give you the best pricing and availability we need you to enter the postcode and select the address of the area you're thinking of picking them up in or having them delivered to.