Product highlights
Scan Bump Cap has a similar appearance to a baseball cap. It has a high density polyethylene liner to provide built-in protection against slight knocks or against striking fixed objects. For comfort, it has 4 side ventilation holes and 4 hidden top breathing holes to keep the head cool. There is also a quick and easy hook and loop tab adjustment for a secure fit. Not suitable for site use.
Size: 58 - 68cm
Conforms to EN812:1997 and A1:2000
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Product highlights
Scan Bump Cap has a similar appearance to a baseball cap. It has a high density polyethylene liner to provide built-in protection against slight knocks or against striking fixed objects. For comfort, it has 4 side ventilation holes and 4 hidden top breathing holes to keep the head cool. There is also a quick and easy hook and loop tab adjustment for a secure fit. Not suitable for site use.
Size: 58 - 68cm
Conforms to EN812:1997 and A1:2000
Product details
Scan Bump Cap has a similar appearance to a baseball cap. It has a high density polyethylene liner to provide built-in protection against slight knocks or against striking fixed objects. For comfort, it has 4 side ventilation holes and 4 hidden top breathing holes to keep the head cool. There is also a quick and easy hook and loop tab adjustment for a secure fit. Not suitable for site use.
Size: 58 - 68cm
Conforms to EN812:1997 and A1:2000
• Colour: Blue • Category: Safety Helmets -
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So that we can give you the best pricing and availability we need you to enter the postcode and select the address of the area you're thinking of picking them up in or having them delivered to.