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Product highlights
Product details
- A high density, high-performance flooring panel that is thoroughly durable and highly moisture resistant, the board offers precision and stability and is an excellent surface for floor laying projects.
- Offers you precision and stability
- Tongue and groove variant profiled on four edges, that allows an, easy fitting joint with durability and strength
- Removes the need for intermediate noggins, as hidden nails or screws can be used with tongued and grooved variant
- Caberfloor makes squeaking floors a thing of the past with its non squeak adhesive
- All West Fraser (formerly known as Norbord) products have been certified as net carbon negative, which means that more CO2e is locked into the product than is emitted during manufacturing
- Brand - Everyday Low Trade Price
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So that we can give you the best pricing and availability we need you to enter the postcode and select the address of the area you're thinking of picking them up in or having them delivered to.