Product highlights
The DEWALT XR Slide Li-ion Battery Pack offers extended run time and optimised power to complete applications quickly. No memory effect and virtually no self-discharge for maximum productivity and less downtime. A LED state of charge indicator helps to manage charging/working time.
Compatible with all 18V XR slide on tools and XR chargers.
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Product highlights
The DEWALT XR Slide Li-ion Battery Pack offers extended run time and optimised power to complete applications quickly. No memory effect and virtually no self-discharge for maximum productivity and less downtime. A LED state of charge indicator helps to manage charging/working time.
Compatible with all 18V XR slide on tools and XR chargers.
Product details
The DEWALT XR Slide Li-ion Battery Pack offers extended run time and optimised power to complete applications quickly. No memory effect and virtually no self-discharge for maximum productivity and less downtime. A LED state of charge indicator helps to manage charging/working time.
Compatible with all 18V XR slide on tools and XR chargers.
• Voltage: 18V • Amperage: 4.0Ah • Type: Li-ion • Category: DEWALT Batteries & Chargers -
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