Product highlights
With 5 operating modes, the dehumidifier functions to manage humidity levels across various applications for year-round use.
Dehumidifiers are essential in helping to provide improved air quality in indoor spaces. 5 operating modes for superb flexibility. 20ltr/day extraction and 6.5ltr collection tank. Auto switch-off function prevents excess collection. Timer setting for specific dehumidifying sessions. Automatic humidity indicator level.
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Product highlights
With 5 operating modes, the dehumidifier functions to manage humidity levels across various applications for year-round use.
Dehumidifiers are essential in helping to provide improved air quality in indoor spaces. 5 operating modes for superb flexibility. 20ltr/day extraction and 6.5ltr collection tank. Auto switch-off function prevents excess collection. Timer setting for specific dehumidifying sessions. Automatic humidity indicator level.
Product details
- The 20ltr Dehumidifier is a multi-purpose portable dehumidifier unit designed to effectively remove excess moisture from various indoor spaces for greater air quality.
With 5 operating modes, the dehumidifier functions to manage humidity levels across various applications for year-round use.
Dehumidifiers are essential in helping to provide improved air quality in indoor spaces. 5 operating modes for superb flexibility. 20ltr/day extraction and 6.5ltr collection tank. Auto switch-off function prevents excess collection. Timer setting for specific dehumidifying sessions. Automatic humidity indicator level.
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