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- Knauf DriTherm Cavity Slab 32 offers high-standard thermal performance for use in external full-fill masonry cavity walls, featuring a water-resistant glass mineral wool design.This 100 Dritherm cavity insulation is manufactured using Knauf Insulations bio-based binder, ECOSE ¾ Technology, and features top standard Euroclass A1 reaction to fire classification, making it non-combustible.
- Cavity barriers are not required with non-combustible full fill insulation, minimising the risk of fire spreading through a cavity
- Water-repellent and BBA certified for use in all exposure zones, including those in very severe areas
- Slabs are sized to fit between wall ties without the need for retaining discs
- Slabs are easy to handle and install, being lightweight and easily cut to size, where necessary
- Brand - Knauf
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