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Product highlights
Product details
- A cost effective, energy efficient alternative to traditional loft space access, the GL250 drop down door is contemporary and sleek with an unobtrusive look, once installed.
- Seals are supported by multiple perimeter catches
- Full draught sealed door and frame
- Single point sliding door mechanism
- Hinge detail is fully concealed, when door is locked
- Door can be fully removed in seconds
- Large accessible opening created by position of hinge pivot
- Simple installation aided by frame being screwed up into ceiling timbers
- Insulated area on the back of the door is fully maximised and is available in 0.35 and 0.15 W/m²K options.
- Brand - Manthorpe
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So that we can give you the best pricing and availability we need you to enter the postcode and select the address of the area you're thinking of picking them up in or having them delivered to.