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- This Werner Easiway Aluminium Loft Ladder is designed to provide easy access to the loft area, taking up less storage space in the loft. This compact, 3 section loft ladder features a pivot arm mechanism for smooth operation when lowering and stowing the loft ladder, as well as a handrail for added comfort and stability when entering and exiting the loft. The Werner Easiway 3 Section Loft Ladder has 12 treads and comes complete with all components needed for easy installation, including a universal stowing pole and instruction guide.
- Suitable for floor to loft floor heights 2.3m - 3m
- Compact, lightweight design that requires less storage space in the loft
- Pivot arm mechanism provides a smooth gliding operation when lowering/stowing the ladder
- Handrail for extra comfort and safety when entering/leaving the loft
- Unique shoot bolt mechanism to lock ladder in place before use
- Wide, comfortable steps for comfort when climbing
- Slip-resistant feet for added grip
- Closed length 1.38m
- Brand - Werner
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