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- IKO Enertherm PIR insulation board can be used on flat roofs, pitch roofs, loft floors, cavity walls, cladding and in basements. With a seven layer ALU lamination, IKO Enertherm insulation board prevents thermal bridging, water ingress and guarantees a wind tight shield. In addition, Micro Cell Technology provides shape retention, and moisture and pressure resistance. 2400mm x 1200mm IKO Enertherm insulation boards are available in several thicknesses, from 25mm up to 150mm, ensuring you get the right thickness for your job.
- Can be used in multiple applications within the building, ideal for new build or refurbishment projects
- Lightweight and easy to install
- 100% CFC, HCFC or HFC-free
- BBA approved (Certificate No. 15/5283)
- Thermal conductivity of 0.022 W/mK
- Compressive strength at 10% deformation
- 175 kPa (17.5 ton/m2)
- Top quality multi layer lamination
- Brand - Everyday Low Trade Price
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