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Product details
- EVO-STIK GRIPFILL™ is a multi-purpose, high-strength, solvent-based gap-filling adhesive, which sticks to almost any building material. This adhesive offers unbeatable final bond strength and can be used both internally and externally (if bond is covered). EVO-STIK GRIPFILL™ adhesive is suitable for use on wood, plasterboard, tiles, stone, metal, breeze blocks, bricks, ceramic, concrete, uPVC and more. It is ideal for use on even surfaces thanks to its gap-filling properties.
- High strength adhesive
- Bonds most building materials
- Ideal for use on uneven surfaces thanks to its gap-filling qualities
- Suitable for vertical applications
- Suitable for interior and exterior use (provided the bond is covered)
- Covers approx. 12m of a 6mm diameter bead per 350ml
- Brand - Evo-Stik
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