Product highlights

Everbuild External Frame Sealant is an acrylic sealant, suitable for internal and external use around window and door frames. The product provides a permanently flexible long lasting seal that adheres to virtually all materials. It contains a powerful anti-fungicide to prevent mould growth and can be overpainted.

- Permanently flexible
- Adheres to most surfaces
- Mould resistant
- Overpaintable
- Easy clean up

- Internal and External sealing around timber and metal window and door frames
- Internal sealing around PVCu window and door frames
- Sealing cracks and gaps in brickwork, stone and concrete


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Product highlights

Everbuild External Frame Sealant is an acrylic sealant, suitable for internal and external use around window and door frames. The product provides a permanently flexible long lasting seal that adheres to virtually all materials. It contains a powerful anti-fungicide to prevent mould growth and can be overpainted.

- Permanently flexible
- Adheres to most surfaces
- Mould resistant
- Overpaintable
- Easy clean up

- Internal and External sealing around timber and metal window and door frames
- Internal sealing around PVCu window and door frames
- Sealing cracks and gaps in brickwork, stone and concrete

  • Product details

  • Everbuild External Frame Sealant is an acrylic sealant, suitable for internal and external use around window and door frames. The product provides a permanently flexible long lasting seal that adheres to virtually all materials. It contains a powerful anti-fungicide to prevent mould growth and can be overpainted.

    - Permanently flexible
    - Adheres to most surfaces
    - Mould resistant
    - Overpaintable
    - Easy clean up

    - Internal and External sealing around timber and metal window and door frames
    - Internal sealing around PVCu window and door frames
    - Sealing cracks and gaps in brickwork, stone and concrete

  • Specifications

  • Colour:
    Frame Sealants
  • Safety information & instructions

  • Some important details that you may need to consider:

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