Product highlights
The DMT F70 Diamond Whetstone that travels with you. It has a flip open lid/handle and a swivel ring for a key chain. 140 mm when open, this is the perfect pocket knife accessory. Effective on the hardest stainless steel blades, tools and sporting goods.
Handle folds easily for protected storage.
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Product highlights
The DMT F70 Diamond Whetstone that travels with you. It has a flip open lid/handle and a swivel ring for a key chain. 140 mm when open, this is the perfect pocket knife accessory. Effective on the hardest stainless steel blades, tools and sporting goods.
Handle folds easily for protected storage.
Product details
The DMT F70 Diamond Whetstone that travels with you. It has a flip open lid/handle and a swivel ring for a key chain. 140 mm when open, this is the perfect pocket knife accessory. Effective on the hardest stainless steel blades, tools and sporting goods.
Handle folds easily for protected storage.
• Type: Miniature • Grit: Extra Coarse • Length: 140mm • Category: Diamond Whetstones -
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