Product highlights
The Meatbo FSX 200 Intec palm disc sander is a small, lightweight machine which is perfect for one-handed use with a hook and loop-faced backing pad. It has a very good power to weight ratio making it perfect for getting the job done quickly and professionally in those tight, awkward places. This multi-purpose machine is ideal for sanding and polishing even and cambered surfaces, wood, plastics, non-ferrous metals, sheet steel.
Includes: a Intec dust filter unit to help aid dust containment and a carry case .
Input Power: 240W
Oscillating Speed: 11,000/min.
Oscillating Diameter: 2.7mm
Base Plate: 125mm
Weight: 1.3kg
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Product highlights
The Meatbo FSX 200 Intec palm disc sander is a small, lightweight machine which is perfect for one-handed use with a hook and loop-faced backing pad. It has a very good power to weight ratio making it perfect for getting the job done quickly and professionally in those tight, awkward places. This multi-purpose machine is ideal for sanding and polishing even and cambered surfaces, wood, plastics, non-ferrous metals, sheet steel.
Includes: a Intec dust filter unit to help aid dust containment and a carry case .
Input Power: 240W
Oscillating Speed: 11,000/min.
Oscillating Diameter: 2.7mm
Base Plate: 125mm
Weight: 1.3kg
Product details
The Meatbo FSX 200 Intec palm disc sander is a small, lightweight machine which is perfect for one-handed use with a hook and loop-faced backing pad. It has a very good power to weight ratio making it perfect for getting the job done quickly and professionally in those tight, awkward places. This multi-purpose machine is ideal for sanding and polishing even and cambered surfaces, wood, plastics, non-ferrous metals, sheet steel.
Includes: a Intec dust filter unit to help aid dust containment and a carry case .
Input Power: 240W
Oscillating Speed: 11,000/min.
Oscillating Diameter: 2.7mm
Base Plate: 125mm
Weight: 1.3kg
• Voltage: 240V • Disc Ø: 125mm • Variable Speed: No • Category: Random Orbital Sanders -
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