Product highlights

This 10m coil of 20mm Galvanised Multi Fix Strapping is a versatile resource used for bracing and strapping materials. This perforated strip can easily be cut or bend, providing a sturdy and efficient method of bracing for a wide variety ofapplications.


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8.96 ex. VAT
Item available for delivery only

Product highlights

This 10m coil of 20mm Galvanised Multi Fix Strapping is a versatile resource used for bracing and strapping materials. This perforated strip can easily be cut or bend, providing a sturdy and efficient method of bracing for a wide variety ofapplications.
  • Product details

  • This 10m coil of 20mm Galvanised Multi Fix Strapping is a versatile resource used for bracing and strapping materials. This perforated strip can easily be cut or bend, providing a sturdy and efficient method of bracing for a wide variety ofapplications.

    • Suitable for roof trusses / diagonal strutting to floor joists / holding down wallplates / suspending pipework and cables
    • Can also be used for general repairs to fencing and many other DIY jobs
    • Brand - Bpc
  • Safety information & instructions

  • Some important details that you may need to consider:

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