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Product details
- The GF609 4.5 x 11.1m mini pack is a woven polypropylene earthworks separator geotextile fabric. Part of the Hy-Tex Terralys range of woven polypropylene ground engineering fabrics, geotextile sheets offer cost effective and practical solutions for a variety of construction and groundwork projects.Geotextile fabrics are used in ground engineering to provide separation, reinforcement, stabilisation and filtration. Typical projects for geotextile fabrics include driveway and track foundations, paved areas, drains and soakaways and embankment stabilisation.Not suitable for weed control, use Covertex P100 for such applications
- Prevents intermixing of materials
- Increases ground stability
- Strong & durable
- Water permeable
- High puncture resistance
- Brand - Geotextile
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