Product highlights
Roughneck Gorilla Sledge Hammers are precision forged from high-carbon steel. Each sledge hammer features a dome-shaped striking point for exerting concentrated force. They also have a larger than normal striking face with chamfered edge for general use. Both of these striking faces are induction heat-treated for hardness.
The hammers also feature a side striking face which is not hardened and is designed for striking wooden posts. A shock absorbing TPE grip handle is designed for maximum comfort.
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Product highlights
Roughneck Gorilla Sledge Hammers are precision forged from high-carbon steel. Each sledge hammer features a dome-shaped striking point for exerting concentrated force. They also have a larger than normal striking face with chamfered edge for general use. Both of these striking faces are induction heat-treated for hardness.
The hammers also feature a side striking face which is not hardened and is designed for striking wooden posts. A shock absorbing TPE grip handle is designed for maximum comfort.
Product details
Roughneck Gorilla Sledge Hammers are precision forged from high-carbon steel. Each sledge hammer features a dome-shaped striking point for exerting concentrated force. They also have a larger than normal striking face with chamfered edge for general use. Both of these striking faces are induction heat-treated for hardness.
The hammers also feature a side striking face which is not hardened and is designed for striking wooden posts. A shock absorbing TPE grip handle is designed for maximum comfort.
• Head Weight: 5.5kg (12 lb) • Shaft Type: Steel • Handle Type: TPR Soft Grip • Category: Sledge Hammers -
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