Product highlights
Mounted at four points on a steel tube frame, this heavy-duty 3-blade fan can be rotated and fixed between 720° on both its horizontal and vertical axis. This creates an orbital effect which maximises airflow coverage.
Fans are essential in helping to provide improved air quality to indoor spaces. Powerful airflow via heavy-duty 3-blade fan. Variable speed settings up to max. 1300rpm. Orbital airflow function with 720° coverage. Sturdy and compact design allows easy movement. Solid mesh steel guarding for greater safety.
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Product highlights
Mounted at four points on a steel tube frame, this heavy-duty 3-blade fan can be rotated and fixed between 720° on both its horizontal and vertical axis. This creates an orbital effect which maximises airflow coverage.
Fans are essential in helping to provide improved air quality to indoor spaces. Powerful airflow via heavy-duty 3-blade fan. Variable speed settings up to max. 1300rpm. Orbital airflow function with 720° coverage. Sturdy and compact design allows easy movement. Solid mesh steel guarding for greater safety.
Product details
- The 20" Heavy-Duty Orbital Floor Fan delivers powerful multi-directional airflow to help cool spaces and circulate air in a variety of indoor environments.
Mounted at four points on a steel tube frame, this heavy-duty 3-blade fan can be rotated and fixed between 720° on both its horizontal and vertical axis. This creates an orbital effect which maximises airflow coverage.
Fans are essential in helping to provide improved air quality to indoor spaces. Powerful airflow via heavy-duty 3-blade fan. Variable speed settings up to max. 1300rpm. Orbital airflow function with 720° coverage. Sturdy and compact design allows easy movement. Solid mesh steel guarding for greater safety.
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