Product highlights
The Trend Skeleton Hinge Jig is a 2-part, adjustable portable template set designed for recessing hinges in wooden doors and frames with a router. It is easy to use with minimal setting-up time, ensuring that the job can be completed accurately and quickly. It is ideal for use on-site and in joinery shops to increase productivity with excellent results.
The jig has fully adjustable apertures for fire door requirements and renovation work. It is ideal for fitting a new door into an old frame and is suitable for timber-based doors and square butt hinges.
The jig is supplied with a carry case, bradawls and a special 16mm guide bush.
Pre-set hinge sizes: 20mm, 25mm and 30mm.
Hinge sizes possible:
Minimum length: 67mm (2.5/8in).
Maximum length: 127mm (5in).
Minimum width: 12.7mm (1/2in).
Maximum width: 35mm (1.3/8in).
Door sizes possible:
Minimum height: 1,956mm (6ft5in).
Maximum height: 2,100mm (6ft10in).
Minimum thickness: 16mm (5/8in).
Maximum thickness: 51mm (2in).
Weight: 2.9kg.
Overall length: 1,956mm.
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Product highlights
The Trend Skeleton Hinge Jig is a 2-part, adjustable portable template set designed for recessing hinges in wooden doors and frames with a router. It is easy to use with minimal setting-up time, ensuring that the job can be completed accurately and quickly. It is ideal for use on-site and in joinery shops to increase productivity with excellent results.
The jig has fully adjustable apertures for fire door requirements and renovation work. It is ideal for fitting a new door into an old frame and is suitable for timber-based doors and square butt hinges.
The jig is supplied with a carry case, bradawls and a special 16mm guide bush.
Pre-set hinge sizes: 20mm, 25mm and 30mm.
Hinge sizes possible:
Minimum length: 67mm (2.5/8in).
Maximum length: 127mm (5in).
Minimum width: 12.7mm (1/2in).
Maximum width: 35mm (1.3/8in).
Door sizes possible:
Minimum height: 1,956mm (6ft5in).
Maximum height: 2,100mm (6ft10in).
Minimum thickness: 16mm (5/8in).
Maximum thickness: 51mm (2in).
Weight: 2.9kg.
Overall length: 1,956mm.
Product details
The Trend Skeleton Hinge Jig is a 2-part, adjustable portable template set designed for recessing hinges in wooden doors and frames with a router. It is easy to use with minimal setting-up time, ensuring that the job can be completed accurately and quickly. It is ideal for use on-site and in joinery shops to increase productivity with excellent results.
The jig has fully adjustable apertures for fire door requirements and renovation work. It is ideal for fitting a new door into an old frame and is suitable for timber-based doors and square butt hinges.
The jig is supplied with a carry case, bradawls and a special 16mm guide bush.
Pre-set hinge sizes: 20mm, 25mm and 30mm.
Hinge sizes possible:
Minimum length: 67mm (2.5/8in).
Maximum length: 127mm (5in).
Minimum width: 12.7mm (1/2in).
Maximum width: 35mm (1.3/8in).
Door sizes possible:
Minimum height: 1,956mm (6ft5in).
Maximum height: 2,100mm (6ft10in).
Minimum thickness: 16mm (5/8in).
Maximum thickness: 51mm (2in).Weight: 2.9kg.
Overall length: 1,956mm.
• Type: Hinge Jig • Category: Hinge & Specialists Jigs -
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