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Product details
- Create low maintenance garden beds and borders with Westland Landscape Bark 100ltr. This landscape bark is a decorative ground cover mulch to help suppress weed growth, improve moisture retention around plants and trees, and provide thermal protection for plant roots. Landscape bark is also a great way to create rustic, natural looking pathways and borders. Pallet Charges: Please note: if your order contains 15 or more bags of any aggregate for delivery, we may have to charge extra for a pallet. However, this charge is fully refundable when the pallet is returned to your local branch.
- 30-50mm large chips for maxium coverage
- Ideal for covering pathways & large areas
- Helps suppress weed growth
- Improves moisture retention around plants
- Offers thermal protection for plant roots
- Creates rustic, natural looking feel
- Approx. 55kg, but may vary due to moisture content
- Brand - Westland
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So that we can give you the best pricing and availability of our hire items, we need you to enter the postcode of the area you are thinking of picking them up in or having them delivered to.
Please note... If you're looking to collect products or have products delivered to different locations, please make sure you enter the postcode for each item here
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So that we can give you the best pricing and availability we need you to enter the postcode and select the address of the area you're thinking of picking them up in or having them delivered to.