Product highlights
The Vitrex LRSDH001 Delta Sander Head has been specifically designed for sanding corners and edges. Easily interchangeable head with replacement sanding sheets available. Uses the quick and easy Hook & Loop attachment system.
For use with Vitrex LRS700 Long Reach Drywall Sander or other models with the click system head.
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Product highlights
The Vitrex LRSDH001 Delta Sander Head has been specifically designed for sanding corners and edges. Easily interchangeable head with replacement sanding sheets available. Uses the quick and easy Hook & Loop attachment system.
For use with Vitrex LRS700 Long Reach Drywall Sander or other models with the click system head.
Product details
The Vitrex LRSDH001 Delta Sander Head has been specifically designed for sanding corners and edges. Easily interchangeable head with replacement sanding sheets available. Uses the quick and easy Hook & Loop attachment system.
For use with Vitrex LRS700 Long Reach Drywall Sander or other models with the click system head.
• Category: Sander Accessories -
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