Product highlights
The Trend PH/JIG Pocket Hole Jig is great for fast and accurate joining of timber and plywood, giving strong instant joints. Solid hardened bushes with a variable pitch of 29 to 63mm.
Use on timber, MDF, plywood and blockboard. It allows a variety of joints to be created individually. Uses square drive self-tapping screws. Workpiece can be handled immediately after gluing and screwing, creating time-saving benefits. No clamps required.
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Product highlights
The Trend PH/JIG Pocket Hole Jig is great for fast and accurate joining of timber and plywood, giving strong instant joints. Solid hardened bushes with a variable pitch of 29 to 63mm.
Use on timber, MDF, plywood and blockboard. It allows a variety of joints to be created individually. Uses square drive self-tapping screws. Workpiece can be handled immediately after gluing and screwing, creating time-saving benefits. No clamps required.
Product details
The Trend PH/JIG Pocket Hole Jig is great for fast and accurate joining of timber and plywood, giving strong instant joints. Solid hardened bushes with a variable pitch of 29 to 63mm.
Use on timber, MDF, plywood and blockboard. It allows a variety of joints to be created individually. Uses square drive self-tapping screws. Workpiece can be handled immediately after gluing and screwing, creating time-saving benefits. No clamps required.
• Type: Pocket Hole • Category: Hinge & Specialists Jigs -
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