Product highlights
This Faithfull specialist level is designed to ensure fence posts are upright prior to fixing. Other uses include plumbing pipes, levelling of RSJs and other applications where a vertical and horizontal is needed.
The durable plastic angle plate has 2 acrylic horizontal vials and 1 vertical vial that are accurate to 1.75mm per 1m = 0.1° .
There are 2 fixing methods:
1. Elastic strap for non-magnetic surfaces.
2. Magnetic base for use on RSJs and steel fence posts.
Size: 140 x 90 x 90 mm.
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Product highlights
This Faithfull specialist level is designed to ensure fence posts are upright prior to fixing. Other uses include plumbing pipes, levelling of RSJs and other applications where a vertical and horizontal is needed.
The durable plastic angle plate has 2 acrylic horizontal vials and 1 vertical vial that are accurate to 1.75mm per 1m = 0.1° .
There are 2 fixing methods:
1. Elastic strap for non-magnetic surfaces.
2. Magnetic base for use on RSJs and steel fence posts.
Size: 140 x 90 x 90 mm.
Product details
This Faithfull specialist level is designed to ensure fence posts are upright prior to fixing. Other uses include plumbing pipes, levelling of RSJs and other applications where a vertical and horizontal is needed.
The durable plastic angle plate has 2 acrylic horizontal vials and 1 vertical vial that are accurate to 1.75mm per 1m = 0.1° .
There are 2 fixing methods:
1. Elastic strap for non-magnetic surfaces.
2. Magnetic base for use on RSJs and steel fence posts.Size: 140 x 90 x 90 mm.
• Type: Post • No. of Vials: 3 • Category: Line, Pocket & Post Levels -
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