Product highlights

The Bessey PS55 is an ideal clamp for clamping smooth surfaces such as ceramic, granite, Corian® plastic, sheet metal and glass. There is a lever for compensating differences in height.

Opening: 10-55mm.
Width: 130mm.
Length: 240-295mm.
Clamping Force: up to 260N.
Weight: 1.55Kg.


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Product highlights

The Bessey PS55 is an ideal clamp for clamping smooth surfaces such as ceramic, granite, Corian® plastic, sheet metal and glass. There is a lever for compensating differences in height.

Opening: 10-55mm.
Width: 130mm.
Length: 240-295mm.
Clamping Force: up to 260N.
Weight: 1.55Kg.

  • Product details

  • The Bessey PS55 is an ideal clamp for clamping smooth surfaces such as ceramic, granite, Corian® plastic, sheet metal and glass. There is a lever for compensating differences in height.

    Opening: 10-55mm.
    Width: 130mm.
    Length: 240-295mm.
    Clamping Force: up to 260N.
    Weight: 1.55Kg.

  • Specifications

  • Opening:
    Seaming Tool
  • Safety information & instructions

  • Some important details that you may need to consider:

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