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- This white Robus fire rated downlight will retain the intregrity of 30, 60 and 90 minute rated ceiling/floor construction types. The wide bezel flange will cover damaged or slightly oversized cut outs. Fitted with adjustable strong single ceiling retaining spring clips and will fit flush to the ceiling.
- Complies with part C&E of the Building Regulations. Airflow and acoustic rated.
- Twist & Lock die cast aluminium front bezel with lamp retaining clip.
- Teflon conductor insulation. Fibreglass cable sheathing. Conductors less affected by heat for long life.
- Large terminal block with cable clamp and earth strap to body on GU10 fittings. Allows loop-in-loop-out to other fittings. Safe cable retention and connection.
- Ideal for LV and LED Lamps.
- One fitting is suitable for installation in all building types and will comply with the Building Regs. Part B.
- Brand - Robus
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