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Product highlights
Product details
- Rubble-Mate is a handy builder's tool, allowing rubble bags to be filled quickly and efficiently. Simply pop inside a rubble bag to temporarily make it a bin.
- Easily fill any bag up to 800x550mm
- Convert any refuse sack into a handy bin
- Helps protect valuable rubble bags from damage while filling
- Can be reused thousands of times
- Turns floppy rubble sacks into rigid containers
- Easy to load with awkward-shaped refuse
Safety information & instructions
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So that we can give you the best pricing and availability of our hire items, we need you to enter the postcode of the area you are thinking of picking them up in or having them delivered to.
Please note... If you're looking to collect products or have products delivered to different locations, please make sure you enter the postcode for each item here
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So that we can give you the best pricing and availability we need you to enter the postcode and select the address of the area you're thinking of picking them up in or having them delivered to.