Product highlights
DEWALT offers a range of chisels covering most common applications. They are made from specially toughened steel that has been through a micro-processor controlled heat treatment that ensures tough, durable chisels with a long life.
Ideal for light chipping and chiselling of tile, mortar, glazing compounds and other masonry products with hammers with a rotation stop feature.
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Product highlights
DEWALT offers a range of chisels covering most common applications. They are made from specially toughened steel that has been through a micro-processor controlled heat treatment that ensures tough, durable chisels with a long life.
Ideal for light chipping and chiselling of tile, mortar, glazing compounds and other masonry products with hammers with a rotation stop feature.
Product details
DEWALT offers a range of chisels covering most common applications. They are made from specially toughened steel that has been through a micro-processor controlled heat treatment that ensures tough, durable chisels with a long life.
Ideal for light chipping and chiselling of tile, mortar, glazing compounds and other masonry products with hammers with a rotation stop feature.
• Type: Flat Chisel • Size: 20 x 250mm • Category: Steels - SDS Plus Fitting -
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So that we can give you the best pricing and availability we need you to enter the postcode and select the address of the area you're thinking of picking them up in or having them delivered to.