Product highlights
This Trend STAIR/A is a template jig with well proven means of routing out stair housings quickly and accurately. It is constructed from hard wearing Compact Grade High Pressure Laminate and includes a reversible fence for exact matching of stair strings and fully adjustable nosing piece. It has a built-in heavy duty front clamp for quick clamping for each trench.
It is adjustable to suit private and common stair angle pitches and can be used with all heavy-duty routers over 1600 watts. The Sub-base is pre-drilled to suit Trend/DeWalt/Elu 1/2-inch routers, for other makes the sub-base will have to be redrilled.
Tread Thickness: 22-32 mm
Slider Diameter: 30 mm
Nosing Adjustment: 16-19 mm
Length: 585 mm
Height: 485 mm
Width: 12.5 mm
Weight: 6.17kg
Kit includes:-
1 x Adjustable reversible clamp.
1 x Reversible clamp bar.
1 x Sub-base.
1 x Nose piece.
1 x Line up pin and bush.
2 x Spanners.
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Product highlights
This Trend STAIR/A is a template jig with well proven means of routing out stair housings quickly and accurately. It is constructed from hard wearing Compact Grade High Pressure Laminate and includes a reversible fence for exact matching of stair strings and fully adjustable nosing piece. It has a built-in heavy duty front clamp for quick clamping for each trench.
It is adjustable to suit private and common stair angle pitches and can be used with all heavy-duty routers over 1600 watts. The Sub-base is pre-drilled to suit Trend/DeWalt/Elu 1/2-inch routers, for other makes the sub-base will have to be redrilled.
Tread Thickness: 22-32 mm
Slider Diameter: 30 mm
Nosing Adjustment: 16-19 mm
Length: 585 mm
Height: 485 mm
Width: 12.5 mm
Weight: 6.17kg
Kit includes:-
1 x Adjustable reversible clamp.
1 x Reversible clamp bar.
1 x Sub-base.
1 x Nose piece.
1 x Line up pin and bush.
2 x Spanners.
Product details
This Trend STAIR/A is a template jig with well proven means of routing out stair housings quickly and accurately. It is constructed from hard wearing Compact Grade High Pressure Laminate and includes a reversible fence for exact matching of stair strings and fully adjustable nosing piece. It has a built-in heavy duty front clamp for quick clamping for each trench.
It is adjustable to suit private and common stair angle pitches and can be used with all heavy-duty routers over 1600 watts. The Sub-base is pre-drilled to suit Trend/DeWalt/Elu 1/2-inch routers, for other makes the sub-base will have to be redrilled.
Tread Thickness: 22-32 mm
Slider Diameter: 30 mm
Nosing Adjustment: 16-19 mm
Length: 585 mm
Height: 485 mm
Width: 12.5 mm
Weight: 6.17kgKit includes:-
1 x Adjustable reversible clamp.
1 x Reversible clamp bar.
1 x Sub-base.
1 x Nose piece.
1 x Line up pin and bush.
2 x Spanners.
• Type: Staircase • Category: Staircase, Lock & Letter Box Jigs -
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So that we can give you the best pricing and availability we need you to enter the postcode and select the address of the area you're thinking of picking them up in or having them delivered to.