Product highlights
SV-F Super-Vee Power Drain Cleaner for kitchen, bathroom, laundry drains and pipes from 11/4. up to 3 inch. Slide action chuck built into the grip shield which slides back to grip, allowing the cable to work through a stoppage and forward to disengage.
Automatic adjustment for different size cables. Double insulated motor with reverse and variable speed trigger switch.
Drum Cable maximum capacity - 35ft. x 3/8in. or 50ft. x 5/16in. Cable included 25ft.x1/4in. 3193Y(25HE1) with Basin Plug Head.
Weight 9 Kg.
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Product highlights
SV-F Super-Vee Power Drain Cleaner for kitchen, bathroom, laundry drains and pipes from 11/4. up to 3 inch. Slide action chuck built into the grip shield which slides back to grip, allowing the cable to work through a stoppage and forward to disengage.
Automatic adjustment for different size cables. Double insulated motor with reverse and variable speed trigger switch.
Drum Cable maximum capacity - 35ft. x 3/8in. or 50ft. x 5/16in. Cable included 25ft.x1/4in. 3193Y(25HE1) with Basin Plug Head.
Weight 9 Kg.
Product details
SV-F Super-Vee Power Drain Cleaner for kitchen, bathroom, laundry drains and pipes from 11/4. up to 3 inch. Slide action chuck built into the grip shield which slides back to grip, allowing the cable to work through a stoppage and forward to disengage.
Automatic adjustment for different size cables. Double insulated motor with reverse and variable speed trigger switch.
Drum Cable maximum capacity - 35ft. x 3/8in. or 50ft. x 5/16in. Cable included 25ft.x1/4in. 3193Y(25HE1) with Basin Plug Head.
Weight 9 Kg.
• Type: Powered • Size: 1/4in • Length: 25ft • Category: Drain & Sink Cleaning -
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