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Product highlights
Product details
- Easily installed, providing robust zero air leakage, this drop in loft access door panel includes a draught/vapour strip, promoting insulation and saving money.
- Zero air leakage - tested independently by BRE in 2006
- Easy installation. Fits 38mm trussed or ceiling joists spaced at 600mm centres for solid fixing assurance.
- Supplied with screw fixing pack and durable operating pole end.
- Secure yet simple single catch point mechanism operation which also prevent uplift.
- Impermeable vapour and condensation seal system.
- Meets all relevant building regulations and standards
- Joist opening size required
- 562 x 562mm. Clear opening size
- 526 x 526mm. Overall dimensions
- 770 x 670mm. Supplied with screw fixing pack and durable operating pole end.
- Simple, secure catch point mechanism prevents uplift
- Brand - Timloc
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