Product highlights

This Zinsser Paper Tiger Triple Head scoring tool has unique patented scoring wheels that perforate wallpaper allowing Wallpaper stripper to penetrate. It is Perfect for large wallpaper removal projects. Triple heads work rapidly cutting through several layers of wallpaper without damaging walls.

The Paper Tiger Triple Head makes light work of wallpaper removal. Simply run it over the surface of the wallpaper to score it with ease, prior to applying Wallpaper stripper.

With the advantage of 3 cutting modules, it's our fastest, most effective Paper Tiger to date and it allows you to score an entire room in a matter of minutes - without damaging the walls.

The Paper Tiger Triple Head will not rust, corrode, or wear out. The hardened steel teeth remain sharp for many rooms of wallpaper removal


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Product highlights

This Zinsser Paper Tiger Triple Head scoring tool has unique patented scoring wheels that perforate wallpaper allowing Wallpaper stripper to penetrate. It is Perfect for large wallpaper removal projects. Triple heads work rapidly cutting through several layers of wallpaper without damaging walls.

The Paper Tiger Triple Head makes light work of wallpaper removal. Simply run it over the surface of the wallpaper to score it with ease, prior to applying Wallpaper stripper.

With the advantage of 3 cutting modules, it's our fastest, most effective Paper Tiger to date and it allows you to score an entire room in a matter of minutes - without damaging the walls.

The Paper Tiger Triple Head will not rust, corrode, or wear out. The hardened steel teeth remain sharp for many rooms of wallpaper removal

  • Product details

  • This Zinsser Paper Tiger Triple Head scoring tool has unique patented scoring wheels that perforate wallpaper allowing Wallpaper stripper to penetrate. It is Perfect for large wallpaper removal projects. Triple heads work rapidly cutting through several layers of wallpaper without damaging walls.

    The Paper Tiger Triple Head makes light work of wallpaper removal. Simply run it over the surface of the wallpaper to score it with ease, prior to applying Wallpaper stripper.

    With the advantage of 3 cutting modules, it's our fastest, most effective Paper Tiger to date and it allows you to score an entire room in a matter of minutes - without damaging the walls.

    The Paper Tiger Triple Head will not rust, corrode, or wear out. The hardened steel teeth remain sharp for many rooms of wallpaper removal

  • Specifications

  • Type:
    Wallpaper Stripping Accessories
  • Safety information & instructions

  • Some important details that you may need to consider:

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