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Product details
- VELUX tile roof flashing kits are designed to integrate a roof window seamlessly into the roof, creating a completely weathertight and well-insulated fit with long-lasting performance. This VELUX EDW MK08 Pro+ Tile Flashing is suitable for installing one roof window into profiled or flat roof materials as well as interlocking slate, corrugated sheeting and thatch roofs up to 120mm thick.
- For profiled roofing materials up to 120mm - suitable for interlocking slate, thatch and profile sheeting
- Suitable for roof pitches 15 -90 degrees
- Suitable for all 780 x 1400mm VELUX roof windows
- Includes an underfelt collar (BFX) to ensure a perfect fit and watertight seal between the roof window, battens and the roofing underfelt
- Includes insulation collar (BDX) which insulates around the roof window, reducing heat loss and eliminating cold bridges
- Optimized installation process designed for the installer to install a better solution faster
- Brand - Velux
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