Product highlights
You wont find a better solution to the problem of guiding and protecting cables while laying them than these simple rollers. Available in a range of sizes, they can also be used on their sides with skid rollers to steer cables around corners.
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Product highlights
You wont find a better solution to the problem of guiding and protecting cables while laying them than these simple rollers. Available in a range of sizes, they can also be used on their sides with skid rollers to steer cables around corners.
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Product details
- You wont find a better solution to the problem of guiding and protecting cables while laying them than these simple rollers. Available in a range of sizes, they can also be used on their sides with skid rollers to steer cables around corners.
- Continuous tubular base removes any sharp edges
- Can be used vertically or laid on side to steer cables aroudn corners when used in conjuction with skid rollers
• Diameter: 120mm • Weight: 5kg -
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