Product highlights
Remember to exercise caution when working around dust always using recommended PPE - View our dedicated Health & Safety article on our blog now!
Product highlights
Remember to exercise caution when working around dust always using recommended PPE - View our dedicated Health & Safety article on our blog now!
Product details
- Fitted with aggressor diamond blades, this tough hand-held grinder is perfect for keying concrete, removing paint and general maintenance removal on floors or walls.
Remember to exercise caution when working around dust always using recommended PPE - View our dedicated Health & Safety article on our blog now!
Hire rate includes Diamond Disc
- We recommend using with a Dust Extractor Vacuum (52538)
- Hire Pack (06334) -Combined rate includes Grinder (06333) and Dust Extractor (52538) - Save £36.85 per week!
• Voltage: 110V • Power Rating: 2000W • Weight: 8kg -
Safety information & instructions
Some important details that you may need to consider:
You must wear all round protection grade 1 goggles to EN 166.B – for less hazardous work grade 2 spectacles can be worn.
Gauntlets, PVC, cotton or rigger gloves are required with this item for hand protection.
Consult product supplier for guidance and COSHH data information.
Protection required against high noise levels. Earplugs are suitable for short-term work.
High risk tool having more than 5m/s2.
Residual Current Devices protect from electric shock. Strongly recommended for electrical equipment used outdoors or in damp conditions.
You are required to wear safety footwear to BS EN 345 for toe protection with this item.
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