Product highlights
Remember to exercise caution when working around dust always using recommended PPE - View our dedicated Health & Safety article on our blog now!
Product highlights
Remember to exercise caution when working around dust always using recommended PPE - View our dedicated Health & Safety article on our blog now!
Product details
- For fast, accurate straight-line cuts in timber, plywood, blockboard and MDF.
Remember to exercise caution when working around dust always using recommended PPE - View our dedicated Health & Safety article on our blog now!
Choice of sizes to suit your needs
- Easily adjustable sole-plate for bevelled cuts
- Riving knife and guide fence included
- Supplied with blade fitted
- We recommend using with a Dust Extractor Vacuum (52538)
• Voltage: 110V • Power Rating: 1550W • Max Depth of Cut at 90°: 85 mm • Max Depth of Cut at 45°: 64 mm • Blade Size: 235 mm • Weight: 7.6 kg -
Safety information & instructions
Some important details that you may need to consider:
You must wear all round protection grade 1 goggles to EN 166.B – for less hazardous work grade 2 spectacles can be worn.
General purpose, disposable masks for protection against low-risk dust and water-based airborne sprays.
Protection required against high noise levels. Earplugs are suitable for short-term work.
This tool can be used intermittently for up to 8 hours before reaching vibration Exposure Limit Value.
Gauntlets, PVC, cotton or rigger gloves are required with this item for hand protection.
We recommend using a Dust Extractor where you see this symbol.
Residual Current Devices protect from electric shock. Strongly recommended for electrical equipment used outdoors or in damp conditions.
You will need a vehicle at least the size of an estate car to collect this item
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