Product highlights
These forklift truck fork extensions are perfect for when you have a long or awkward load and need an extra boost to your regular forks. The sturdy steel extensions can quickly and easily be fitted to most standard fork lifts and secure into place with a safety pin lock.
If you have a large delivery of light but bulky items to unload you could improve your efficiency by using these extensions to add more pallets each journey. Or they can be used when an item is too long, bulky, or oddly shaped for your regular fork lift.
Product highlights
These forklift truck fork extensions are perfect for when you have a long or awkward load and need an extra boost to your regular forks. The sturdy steel extensions can quickly and easily be fitted to most standard fork lifts and secure into place with a safety pin lock.
If you have a large delivery of light but bulky items to unload you could improve your efficiency by using these extensions to add more pallets each journey. Or they can be used when an item is too long, bulky, or oddly shaped for your regular fork lift.
Product details
These forklift truck fork extensions are perfect for when you have a long or awkward load and need an extra boost to your regular forks. The sturdy steel extensions can quickly and easily be fitted to most standard fork lifts and secure into place with a safety pin lock.
If you have a large delivery of light but bulky items to unload you could improve your efficiency by using these extensions to add more pallets each journey. Or they can be used when an item is too long, bulky, or oddly shaped for your regular fork lift.
Easy to mount with safety pin lock
- Increases fork length by up to 150%
- Designed to fit tine 1230mm x 125mm
• Item: 2T Fixed • Weight: 110kg • Length: 1920mm • Width: 150mm • Depth: 65mm -
Safety information & instructions
Some important details that you may need to consider:
You are required to wear safety footwear to BS EN 345 for toe protection with this item.
Gauntlets, PVC, cotton or rigger gloves are required with this item for hand protection.
Protect against falling objects. Compulsory on site.
Use only for vertical lifts. Position or suspend equipment from a safe point to take weight of load and equipment.
Ensure load is balanced and personnel stand clear. Attach �tag� lines to control rotation. Never leave equipment unattended. Ensure unobstructed landing site accepts equipment plus load in size and weight.
You will need a vehicle at least the size of an estate car to collect this item
You will need a vehicle at least the size of an estate car to collect this item
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