Product highlights
Remember to exercise caution when working around dust always using recommended PPE - View our dedicated Health & Safety article on our blog now!
Product highlights
Remember to exercise caution when working around dust always using recommended PPE - View our dedicated Health & Safety article on our blog now!
Product details
- A versatile tool capable of tackling a wide range of general site work from clay digging to light demolition and chiselling. Easy to handle and position, it is ideal for chipping, scaling, renovation and conservation work.
Remember to exercise caution when working around dust always using recommended PPE - View our dedicated Health & Safety article on our blog now!
- For clay digging and light demolition
- Powerful and well balanced
- Latch retainer for fast tool changing
- Please Note - Air Compressor must be hired separately
• Air Consumption: 37cfm (368L/minute) • Weight: 9.6kg -
Safety information & instructions
Some important details that you may need to consider:
You must wear all round protection grade 1 goggles to EN 166.B – for less hazardous work grade 2 spectacles can be worn.
General purpose, disposable masks for protection against low-risk dust and water-based airborne sprays.
Protection required against high noise levels. Earplugs are suitable for short-term work.
You are required to wear safety footwear to BS EN 345 for toe protection with this item.
High risk tool having more than 5m/s2.
Gauntlets, PVC, cotton or rigger gloves are required with this item for hand protection.
You will need a vehicle at least the size of an estate car to collect this item
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