Product highlights
Please note - Fuel is not supplied with this item.
Hiring Dates...
So that we can give you the best pricing and availability of our hire items, we need you to enter the postcode of the area you are thinking of picking them up in or having them delivered to.
Please note... If you're looking to collect products or have products delivered to different locations, please make sure you enter the postcode for each item here
Edit address
So that we can give you the best pricing and availability we need you to enter the postcode and select the address of the area you're thinking of picking them up in or having them delivered to.
Product highlights
Please note - Fuel is not supplied with this item.
Product details
- The fast and efficient way to compact deep wet concrete used in footings and formwork.
Please note - Fuel is not supplied with this item.
Flexible 5m drive shaft
- Choose from 2 different head sizes with quick release couplings
- Portable birdcage-mounted engine
- Please note we are restricted by law from selling petrol however petrol can be purchased from a petrol station using an approved petrol storage container
- A petrol can is available to buy from HSS Hire and can be added when completing your purchase online or purchased in branch
• Engine/Fuel: Recoil start 4 stroke unleaded petrol • Weight: 50kg -
Safety information & instructions
Some important details that you may need to consider:
You must wear all round protection grade 1 goggles to EN 166.B – for less hazardous work grade 2 spectacles can be worn.
Protection required against high noise levels. Earplugs are suitable for short-term work.
You are required to wear safety footwear to BS EN 345 for toe protection with this item.
High risk tool having more than 5m/s2.
Gauntlets, PVC, cotton or rigger gloves are required with this item for hand protection.
You will need a vehicle at least the size of an estate car to collect this item
We are restricted by law from supplying petrol with our equipment, however an approved petrol container can be purchased at checkout.
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