Product highlights

At Sykes Pumps; we offer our customers a full range of fittings and valves to help simplify the arrangement and layout of projects. These include Bauer adaptors; T-pieces; Y-pieces; bends; non-return valves; gate valves; reducers and manifolds. Our specialist valves help automatically regulate pressure and can allow a pumping system’s pressure to gradually rise under low demand until a desired setting is reached. Fittings facilitate the design of unique pumping configurations; maximising flexibility to ensure a solution can be tailored for even the most challenging situations.<\p>


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Product highlights

At Sykes Pumps; we offer our customers a full range of fittings and valves to help simplify the arrangement and layout of projects. These include Bauer adaptors; T-pieces; Y-pieces; bends; non-return valves; gate valves; reducers and manifolds. Our specialist valves help automatically regulate pressure and can allow a pumping system’s pressure to gradually rise under low demand until a desired setting is reached. Fittings facilitate the design of unique pumping configurations; maximising flexibility to ensure a solution can be tailored for even the most challenging situations.<\p>

  • Product details

  • At Sykes Pumps; we offer our customers a full range of fittings and valves to help simplify the arrangement and layout of projects. These include Bauer adaptors; T-pieces; Y-pieces; bends; non-return valves; gate valves; reducers and manifolds. Our specialist valves help automatically regulate pressure and can allow a pumping system’s pressure to gradually rise under low demand until a desired setting is reached. Fittings facilitate the design of unique pumping configurations; maximising flexibility to ensure a solution can be tailored for even the most challenging situations.<\p>

    • Unique fittings for speed of assembly and release
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  • Safety information & instructions

  • Some important details that you may need to consider:

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