Product highlights

This boom lift is designed to support safe and effective work at height around 43m and its telescopic design allows for an outreach of 27.43m.


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Product highlights

This boom lift is designed to support safe and effective work at height around 43m and its telescopic design allows for an outreach of 27.43m.

  • Product details

  • This boom lift is designed to support safe and effective work at height around 43m and its telescopic design allows for an outreach of 27.43m.

    • It is a telescopic boom allowing it a longer outreach

    • 43m height for applications requiring higher access
    • IPAF and MEWPS training courses available at
    • Please note the specification may vary from the model received.

  • Reviews

  • Safety information & instructions

  • Some important details that you may need to consider:

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